Books and resources on attachment styles

Introduction to attachment styles

Attachment style is a key concept in psychology that refers to the emotional bonds between individuals. How we build our relationships is largely determined by our childhood experiences, and attachment style has a significant impact on our interpersonal relationships in adulthood. A proper understanding of this topic is essential for those who want to work on their relationships and for professionals in the field of psychology.

Types of attachment styles

The literature distinguishes four main attachment styles: secure, avoidant, ambivalent and disorganized. Each has its own unique characteristics and behaviors that affect how an individual perceives and engages with other people.

The secure style is characterized by confidence in relationships and positive perceptions of others. People with this attachment style generally find it easy to establish close relationships and are capable of open communication.

In contrast, an avoidant style often leads to emotional isolation. People with this style have difficulty forming close relationships and may avoid opening up to others. Their self-reliance may be judged as a positive trait, but in reality it often leads to difficulties in relationships.

The ambivalent style, on the other hand, can lead to high tensions in relationships. People with this style often feel insecure in relationships, which can manifest as excessive jealousy and a need for reassurance from partners.

Ultimately, the disorganized style is associated with chaotic emotional experiences. People with this style can be confused in relationships and often have difficulty regulating their emotions.

Why is it important to learn about attachment styles?

Knowing about attachment styles can help you better understand yourself and others. Understanding one's own attachment style can lead to improved relationships with others, both in a personal and professional context.

For example, a person who recognizes his or her avoidant style can begin to consciously work on openness and communication in relationships. In turn, understanding one's partner's style can help build greater empathy and better dynamics in a relationship.

Best books on attachment styles

There are a variety of books available in the literature that discuss the topic of attachment styles in detail. Here are some recommendations:

"Raising with Heart" by Daniel J. Siegel.

This book provides valuable information on how attachment styles affect a child's development. Siegel offers practical advice for parents to help build healthy, emotional bonds with their children.

"Attachment Style" by Philip Shaver

As one of the leading researchers in the field, Shaver offers an in-depth analysis of attachment styles and their impact on adult life. The book combines science with real-life examples, making it accessible to any reader.

"Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert

Although not strictly a book on attachment styles, Gilbert touches on creativity, love and relationships, which can be useful in the context of discovering one's attachment style and working on oneself.

Other valuable resources

In addition to books, there are many online resources that can help you explore the topic of attachment styles. Many psychology organizations offer courses and workshops that can facilitate understanding of the issue.

Blogs and websites

Most professional psychologists and therapists maintain blogs where they share their thoughts and experiences related to attachment styles. This is an excellent resource for those who want to expand their awareness of the subject.

Podcasts and videos

Nowadays, you can find plenty of podcasts and YouTube videos on psychology and attachment styles. Many of them offer interesting interviews with experts that can enrich our understanding of this complex topic.


Understanding attachment styles is the key to better relationships and personal growth. With the right books and resources, it is possible to discover how our childhoods have affected our adult lives, and what steps we can take to improve our relationships. We encourage you to explore the topic and invest in yourself, which will surely bring tangible benefits in your interactions with others.


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